Plans include increasing the share of regenerative energy in the station's energy balance through enhanced use of wind energy, solar energy, and geothermal energy. Initially, a vertical wind energy generation system supports the station's combined heat and power unit with regenerative energy, with two additional wind power generation systems in the pipeline. The SHM system's collected data will form the basis for designing the subsequent wind turbines, using insights from the pilot turbine to identify systematic errors.
Bachmann's "ColdClimate" modules are crafted to operate in temperatures ranging from -30 to +60 °C, withstanding temperature peaks from -40 to +70 °C. SHM sensor data in Antarctica is transmitted via an Ethernet link to the polar research station's intranet, then relayed by satellite to Europe for analysis by Bachmann partner P.E. Concepts. The data undergoes analysis, and reports are generated using Bachmann's "WebLog Expert" software.