KiteX's project to develop a Tethered Wind Turbine (TWT) has been awarded a 9.9 million DKK grant from the Det Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram (EUDP). This funding will support further development and testing of the TWT in collaboration with DTU Wind and Energy Systems.
There is significant potential for energy generation from small, residential wind turbines. However, energy production in the 5-15 kW range, suitable for farms and rural homes, has traditionally been too low, and the costs have been too high. KiteX aims to change this with its TWT. By using tethers to distribute loads, the TWT is designed to be light, small, and inexpensive to install, making it a financially viable option for producing green wind power at home. KiteX is a Danish company developing wind turbines using technology inspired by the efficiency of kites.