The Hywind Tampen investment will be close to NOK 5 billion. Norwegian authorities have granted funding of up to NOK 2.3 billion through Enova. The Business Sector’s NOx fund has decided to support the project by up to NOK 566 million.
The wind farm will consist of 11 wind turbines based on the Hywind wind farm concept developed by Equinor. The 8 MW turbines will have a total capacity of 88 MW and meet about 35 per cent of the annual power demand of the five platforms Snorre A and B and Gullfaks A, B and C. The wind farm will be located around 140 kilometres from shore, between the Snorre and Gullfaks platforms, at a water depth of 260 to 300 metres.
Operated from Equinor’s offices in Bergen, Hywind Tampen is scheduled for start-up at the end of 2022.