Markus Nölke (54) assumed the role of managing director at WAB e.V. in Bremerhaven on March 1, 2024. With a background in the transport and logistics sector, particularly in shipping and port-related matters, Nölke brings valuable experience to his new position.
Prior to joining WAB, he served as Managing Director of the Verein zur Förderung des Kurzstreckenseeverkehrs e. V. for 14 years. This association operates the ShortSeaShipping Inland Waterway Promotion Center (spc) in Bonn. WAB serves as a hub for the German offshore wind industry and supports the onshore network in northwest Germany. Additionally, it promotes the production of green hydrogen from wind power. The association's membership comprises approximately 250 companies and institutes from various sectors, including wind energy, maritime industry, emerging hydrogen economy, and research.