The DeepCLiDAR can be deployed in coastal, shelf, and deep waters, providing configurable FLiDAR wind profile measurements at 12 levels ranging from 19 to 300 meters above sea level, including reference levels at 38 and 100 meters.
The system features bidirectional CERTUS Iridium and cellular communication for data transmission and system management. Self-sufficient in renewable energy through its solar panels and wind turbines, CLS’ DeepCLiDAR enables the measurement and monitoring of wind profiles over extended periods without intervention.
The first DeepCLiDAR buoy was produced at the Woods Hole Group facility in Bourne, MA, and deployed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) ASIT FLiDAR test site for over 7 months. CLS Group DeepCLiDAR buoy systems are now available to the offshore wind market.