The turbines will reach a maximum height to blade tip of 250m, with a maximum hub height of 172.5m (above ground level), and a rotor diameter of approximately 155m. Natural Power provided advice on the Wind Resource Assessment, which included a 12-month Lidar campaign to be conducted by ZX Measurement Services. The ground-based ZX 300 wind Lidar has been deployed to gather wind data from ground level up to 300m, covering the entire swept area of the proposed wind turbines. By combining Lidar measurements with previously collected met mast data in the area, a cost-effective and timely approach to new wind measurements at Bankend Rig 3 was achieved, eliminating the need for installing new met masts on the site. The site is situated in complex terrain, approximately 4.75 km north of Muirkirk, 8.75 km southeast of Darvel, and around 3.35 km south of Dungavel.